In order to avoid any waste, we have a controlled purchasing policy directly linked to our order book. We try to calculate as accurately as possible and the internal management practices First In First Out, which improves stock management.
Reasoned feeding
In order to avoid any waste, we have a controlled purchasing policy directly linked to our order book. We try to calculate as accurately as possible and our internal management practices First In First Out, which improves inventory management.
In addition, our sales staff apply the basic principles of sustainable food. The menus are always composed according to the season. We and our suppliers are careful to ensure that the fish are not endangered species.
We take care to use local, organic and/or fair trade products if they are available and have the desired level of quality.
Quality takes precedence over price when choosing a product.
Our partners know our desire to have local products and are, for the most part, sensitive to the theme of sustainable development. Some of them have developed a large organic range. Whether it is meat or vegetables.
Since 2009, we have reduced the portions of meat offered to our customers. We try to offer balanced and healthy menus. All our proposals contain vegetarian dishes.
We work as much as possible with raw products, delivered in bulk. This approach allows us to limit the amount of packaging. Generally speaking, our employees are regularly reminded that waste is harmful to the environment and represents a long and short term financial and ecological cost for our customers as well as for us.

Reasoned feeding
Waste management
Secondly, we have set up waste sorting containers with Bruxelles-Propreté: glass, paper/cardboard, household waste and PMC. In addition, we work with a company that manages used oil and collects it regularly.
Waste management
With Bruxelles-Propreté, we have set up waste sorting containers: glass, paper/cardboard, household waste and PMC. In addition, we work with a company that manages used oil and collects it regularly.
Our waste water is filtered to ensure that the sewage system is not contaminated with inappropriate elements. All employees working in the facility are aware of the importance of waste separation and are regularly reminded of these good practices.
All our offices have been equipped with paper sorting systems as well as recycled paper and our administrative team is strongly committed to the sustainable management of office supplies in general.
Sustainable management of your events
When events take place in the periphery of the Brussels region or further away, we organize a carpooling system for the employees who provide the service. This system has the advantage of reducing costs and especially of reducing our carbon footprint.
Sustainable event management
When events take place in the outskirts of the Brussels region or further away, we organize a carpooling system for the employees who provide the service. This system has the advantage of reducing costs and especially of reducing our carbon footprint.
During events, we do not use individual portions for products such as sugar, cookies, milk for coffee. Returnable glass water bottles are used whenever possible.
We extend the recycling of packaging (plastic bottles) on the event site.
We only use disposable materials in exceptional cases. This is usually at the express request of the client or due to special circumstances. In this case, we make sure to use recycled/recyclable or biodegradable material.
Social commitment
Fourthly, we ensure that parity is established with regard to our employees. We are attentive to their well-being within our structure.
We regularly offer young workers the opportunity to work for us by providing them with advice and training so that they can be better prepared for the various tasks they will be entrusted with.
Social commitment
The social commitment of the Debekker Brothers is first and foremost the reintegration of people who are far from the world of work, because we are convinced that everyone can succeed.
Moreover, we care about the training of our employees as well as our future employees. This is why we give our chefs the opportunity to learn new techniques in order to remain at the cutting edge and offer a quality service to our customers.
We regularly welcome apprentices who sometimes choose to continue their path within the Debekker Brothers once their apprenticeship is over.
Eco-dynamic company
Finally, we received the Ecodynamic Company label which rewards and encourages companies, associations and institutions in Brussels that act to reduce the impact of their activity on the environment.
Eco-dynamic company
The Ecodynamic Company Label rewards and encourages companies, associations and institutions in Brussels that act to reduce the impact of their activity on the environment.
The label values eco-management approaches, particularly in terms of waste management and prevention, rational use of energy, and management of worker mobility.